Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mr. 4 month old!

These 4 months have flown by and the last month has been especially fast since I've been back to work. When I hold Bryce and cuddle with him, I am amazed at how rapidly this boy grew. We've heard our share of comments about how big he is and how he looks more like an 8 month old. It is weird to think about when he was "little" but it is true. He really has grown so much! He wasn't little for long. At his 4 month check up he was 95% for his weight and 90% for his height. He also got 2 shots and barely cried. We couldn't believe it. He screamed horribly for his 2 month shots, it was super sad. I know this blog is mainly about Bryce, but can I just mention that I am so thankful for David's attentiveness? David never missed one pregnancy doctor visit and has not missed one doctor visit for Bryce either. His work schedule helps him be there but he really wants to be there. I am thankful.
Heading into our fourth month, I think David and I would both agree that it has been our favorite time with him so far. He has really shown us his personality and it has been very fun to watch. He is all over his hands, loving to eat them more than almost anything else! He is such a chatter box when he gets going. Since he found his voice, he and David can chat back and forth for quite a while. He likes his talks with Dad more than Mom. I must have boring things to say! I think he smiles for me more though :)

Bryce is also rolling over when he feels like it. He does not do it very often but is making progress. He also giggled for me. Music to my ears! I have not gotten him to do it again. I have tried so hard to be funny but I just can't figure out how to hear the baby giggle again. We'll get there!
Daycare is going well. A lady named Amy watches him in her home daycare. She is an old customer of mine from way back when I was teller during college. It provides such relief being familiar with our provider. I can and do text her anytime I want, she sends me text pictures plus he is the only baby there. David drops him off in the morning and he tells me about how the little kids greet him, "baby Bryce! baby Bryce!" He has a fan club. Obviously :)

Today, Bryce welcomed us into his fourth month of life by peeing on us both at separate times. We surrender to the little squirt gun!

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